
Comedy, jokes, riffs, opinions, skits, factoids, trivia, writings, musings, ramblings and other self-indulgent geekery from the twisted minds of comedy duo Twin Images, aka the Star Brothers, Jason (Goldstar) and Damon (Silverstar) Pollitt. We’re twin brothers; this site has 2 authors. Yes, we know it’s confusing.

Some call it a variety blog for the kids who watched Saturday Morning TV and are now grown-up, some call it a twisted kiddie show, some call it thinking and talking way too much about cartoons and stuff, some call it nerding to the 3rd power, some call it unrepentant geeking, some call it a colossally entertaining waste of time, we call it The Razzle Dazzle Show.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. I had it for a time, mainly to try out Midjourney, but my free trial ran out and I haven’t been back there since.


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