Anime Superhero…Where You At?

For those who don’t know, the Anime Superhero Forums (, which both Damon and I are members of, has been down for repairs since February 3rd, and it’s now March 23rd and the site still hasn’t been fixed yet. The forum’s moderators have assured us that the site will return, but no one can say exactly when.

However, someone has since created a temporary AS forum that can be used while we’re waiting for the real one to return.

Neither of us have created an account there yet (Honestly, I don’t know if it’s worth it), but in the meantime, we’re both still here of course, and also are still on Tumblr. If you’re missing the Anime Superhero Forums, you can visit the temporary AS site. You know, if you feel like it.

Yearly Wrap-Up 2022

Howdy, folks.

Well, gang, here we are once again. The last blog post of the year, and let me you, this is one year I’m looking forward to see in the rearview mirror. You want to know what I thought about 2022?

“Oh, wowsy, wowsy, woo-woo! Miserable year, wasn’t it?”

Well maybe I wouldn’t go that far, but this year was a rough one. Too often, there have been things happening in real life that left us feeling this way:

And as a result of being sidelined by so much jackassery, we haven’t been able to devote as much time to this site as we would have liked, and we’re not happy about that. This coupled with the fact that at the start of 2022, I was in a really bad place, feeling just a little bit…

So with that, it’s time to bury 2022 into the cold, cold ground and look ahead to 2023. I’m cautiously optimistic.

Overall, we don’t have a whole lot of new stuff to announce now (of course, that could change at any time. We’ll keep you posted). The main thing that we’d like to do is make the giant leap from blogging to video production. There are a few things coming down the pike, if we get the time and space to sit down and work on them. Damon’s Pop Dream for Animal Jam and my What The Funny for Regular Show may resume. Initially, we put them on hold because in case we wanted to continue them in video form. Speaking of WTF, Damon and I have considered doing another What The Funny miniseries for WB’s Jellystone!

One good thing about this prospect is that with both of us working on a miniseries together, we should get it completed in half the time. As previously noted, now these 2 miniseries are semi-regular or recurring thing here, we won’t be numbering the individual entries anymore.

Also, as Damon mentioned in an earlier blog post, there will be some more posts that don’t fall into any particular category. They’ll just be stuff that we want to talk about that we do for our own amusement.

Overall, hopefully, there will be more activity here in 2023. It would be nice if maybe we could finally be able to switch to video format next year (fingers crossed).

So see ya, 2022. You won’t be missed. Here’s looking forward to another 12 months of nonsense. Happy New Year, everyone!

State of the Blog: More to Come

So, 2022 has proven itself to be….a year, hasn’t it?

Yeah, this has been a wild one. 2022 has been a year of tumult, both professionally and personally, for the both of us as well as the world in general.

Don’t get me started on what’s happening over at Netflix and Warner Bros. Discovery.

All of this assorted…stuff…is why it’s been kind of dry over here these past several months.

But now we’re back!

Those of you who have stuck with us this whole time (and thank you for doing that, BTW) have noticed a slight uptick in the output here. Progress is kind of slow right now, but things are gradually starting to pick up here. Jason and I are getting back on track and the creative itch has returned, waiting to be scratched. I think we’re ready to FINALLY take this blog to the next level.

(Note how I didn’t refer to it as Twinsanity 2.0, because it’s not Twinsanity 2.0; it’s not Twinsanity anything. We changed the site’s name to Twin Images earlier this year; I’ve already elaborated on why in an earlier post, just refer to that.)

Now, as to what to expect here going forward.

“This is going to be a long read, so you might want to get some snacks.”

First and foremost, I feel like we’ve done all we can with the free version of WordPress.

I think it’s time for an upgrade.

In the upcoming months, we’re going to be upgrading to a paid site. More bells and whistles, more options, and as a paid blog we can monetize this bad boy.

“Cha-ching, baby!”

The reason for this is not just naked greed (though naked greed is part of it); you see, our long-term goal is to one day be able to do what we do here: cartoons, comedy, art and making people laugh, as a full-time occupation; ads can help us accomplish this goal, but we first have to attract more viewers to the blog. I’m also considering starting a Patreon or Ko-Fi account for Twin Images (there’s also another platform called Comradery that I’ve heard things about; we’re currently weighing our options). Artists gotta eat too, especially if we’re going to be paying for a bigger and better site/show.

-Yes, I said ‘show’. Despite the way it may look, we’re STILL planning to start making videos. (We’ll continue to blog in the meantime, though, at least until we get the hang of video production, then that’ll take precedent.) We were just shopping for equipment as recently as yesterday. WordPress has plenty of video-friendly themes and templates; just yet another incentive to upgrade.

We probably won’t upgrade the site until early next year, likely around January or early February, though. It just so happens that it’s now October, and the tail end of the year is a notoriously bad time to try and create content; you have Halloween in October, Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December. (Also if you count it, New Year’s Eve/Day in late December/early January.) You have to deal with holiday preparations, shopping, family get-togethers, etc. and all the crapola that comes with all that, which leaves very little time to try and create. If you want to do any serious creative work, you’re basically out of luck until January, and since the whole point is to increase production so we’ll increase traffic, we’ll likely hold off on the upgrade until early 2023; we’re not going to pay an annual fee while we’re not producing a lot of work, and we’re sure not going to expect you good folks to donate to us for nothing.

Also, expect the style and nature of the posts we make to change slightly. Regular visitors to the site may have already noticed a slight difference in the types of posts that have been appearing here lately. We’ve decided not to adhere so rigorously to the recurring segments here. (This is why I removed the tab listing the recurring segments; that and it was just out-of-date now.) I/we used to try to make all or most of the posts adhere to one of the regular segments that we set up, but that’s just the thing: WE set them up; they’re not etched in stone so everything we do doesn’t have to fit into a specific box. At a certain point this year, I decided:

I’m just going to post what I want to post.

From now on it doesn’t matter if something fits into one of the recurring segment categories or not, whether it’s long or short, simple or detailed; if it’s funny or interesting and it came from one of our brains, then we’re going to post it. Period. We need to be flexible and just have fun with this stuff. It can’t ever stop being fun; it if starts to feel like a job or a chore, then it’s time to hang it up.

(The recurring segments won’t be going away, however; we’ll still be doing That’s Warner Brothers!, Brain Candy, The Couch, Retroville, What the Funny, Pop Dream, et al, it’s just that going forward everything we post doesn’t have to fall into one of those categories. We’re trying to give ourselves more creative freedom here.)

-As a consequence to this New Style, you’ll probably be seeing less of us on Tumblr going forward. We won’t be leaving Tumblr; it’s a great community and there’s some cool people and stuff on there, but neither of us have been posting a ton of original work on there this year. Initially we created the Tumblr account to a) attract more eyeballs to our main site on WordPress (feel free to do start following us here if you’re not already doing that, BTW) and b) post short, quick micro-blog posts and simple jokey-jokes that we didn’t think were ‘big’ or ‘significant’ enough to post here on the main site. However, as previously stated, nowadays we’ve greatly loosened that self-imposed rule and have been starting to put all of our musings and ramblings, big or small, on this site, to the point where sometimes I would copy the same posts on both sites. With this being planned to become the main hub for our content, we just don’t need to post on Tumblr as much anymore (lately I’ve mostly just been lurking and re-blogging stuff on Tumblr). There are no plans to shut down our Tumblr page just yet, but from here on out we’ll mainly be posting content here and on YouTube.

As for what type of content you can expect, no major changes. We’ll still be covering our favorite topics:

Our favorite Golden Age cartoon icons…
Our favorite current cartoon shows, characters and channels…
The glory days of Saturday Morning…
Video game stuff…
Weird, funny, memorable and obscure products, stores, ad campaigns and mascots…
Kooky, fun locations and tourist-y spots…
And whatever else we feel like.
Also expect to see more of us just being funny, wacky, crazy and creative in general.

Speaking of which, we still would like to one day start posting original art and cartoons online. (I made a couple of early attempts, and they were just that, but the dream is still alive and I’m learning.) If that venture takes off, we’ll likely create a second blog for our cartoons. (I may put them behind some kind of paywall too, we’ll see.)

So once again, big, BIG thanks to all of you who have stayed with us. It means a lot. Please stick around to see what’s coming up next from us here; we can’t wait to show you what we’ve got in store. And as always…

Just a Quick Heads-Up Regarding Our Address

Hey, folks.

As those of you who visit us regularly know, we’ve recently changed this site’s name to Twin Images, and subsequently we’ve changed our URL from to As of right now, clicking on the former will redirect you to the latter.

This brings us to what I’m about to type now: today we’ve opted not to renew the domain, as we don’t need to be paying for 2 domains, especially since 1 of them belongs to an earlier moniker that we’ve stopped using a while ago.. As such, the URL will expire on June 23, 2022. After that, you won’t be able to use that address to get to this site anymore; you’ll only be able to use

So from here on out, start using as our only WordPress URL. will only be active for another month; after June 23, you won’t be able to reach this site by typing the old domain anymore. Our Tumblr page is still That hasn’t changed.

P.S.: I know we’ve been on hiatus for quite a while now, bear with us. There’s just a lot going with us in real life right now, among those things are us preparing for the upcoming format change. Rebranding, switching mediums and upgrading is a lot of work! We are working on new stuff for this site, and it will be worth the wait. We promise.

Look At This Thing That I Drawed!

Hey, folks!

This is our first attempt at uploading original art to our blog (so please be gentle, it’s our fist time.) It’s the logo for a kayfabe cable/satellite channel that Jason and I dreamt up called XD! (which stands for X-Treme Digital, by no coincidence it’s also a keyboard representation of a face laughing), which targets a dual audience: kids and teens during the day and adults at night, with a more or less shared theme of cartoons and comedy. Specifically, XD! runs live-action and animated kids’ shows during the day and at night it switches to an adult comedy format, showing classic and contemporary comedy programs along with adult animation.

This is an experiment; we’ve been wanting to post cartoons online for some time now, and it looks like we can begin doing that. Awesome sauce!